Mission, vision and values



                 Operating in harmony with Iran and Venezuela’s state economic policy objectives, BID will support productive sectors  by  means of establishing an efficient financial institution capable to produce products and services for the satisfaction of the clients and employees as well as boosting the economic relations between Venezuela and Iran by facilitating joint projects and ventures in these countries. BID believes securing a just and sustainable profit for the Bank goes hand in hand with facilitating the development of Venezuelan and Iranian economies and their structural and standard convergence with the most developed economies.



                 BID is driven to address growth strategies of key industries through financing projects, provision of funds, rendering of financial products and services to the clients, and thus contributing to the ever expanding dialogue between the Venezuelan and Iranian governments and enterprises in a comprehensive way, utilizing all expertise and tools available from both countries. BID supports small- and medium-sized enterprises in both countries as well as strengthening its financial intermediation capacities for big businesses through its credit and loan facilities. In addition to banking services to the public clients, BID strives to be the first banking choice for its clients who have engaged themselves in joint projects and trade developments and expect best quality financial products and services.



Integrity and Trustworthiness: By integrity BID means speaking, acting in congruence (ways that match) its core values. Integrity is honesty of being and part of its definition is that it is complete and unreduced. It involves totality of words and action. We defend the confidentiality of our clients based on internal and international rules and regulations, handling honestly their and our businesses, acting of congruence way between what we are, we say and we do.

Individual and Social responsibility: The success of the organization is based on the fact that each BID person will be responsible for the impact of his/her actions in his/her home, the Bank and the society.

Innovation and Quality: BID will try to arrange to break with paradigms to surpass permanently the expectations of  clients.

Renovation and Personal Excellence: BID will impel the integral growth of all and each one of its members of the organization to remain in the renovation of the knowledge and its application in the business of the Bank.

Compatibility: BID is taking into consideration the compatibility and compliance with the internal and international rules and regulations as one of  the main objectives and success factors of the bank.

Urb. El Rosal, Av. Francisco de Miranda Edificio Dozsa - Piso 8

C.P. 1060

Caracas - Venezuela

Telefono   :  +58 212 952.65.63

Fax           :  +58 212 952.86.35

RIF            :  J294640109

Swift        :  IDUNVECA



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